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How to apply

Applications for PhDs starting in October 2025 will open at the end of October 2024. Updated information will be posted here as soon as possible.

Applications for 2024: 
6th February 2024 update:  Applications for 2024 entry have now been shortlisted and successful interview candidates informed.  If you have not heard from us then unfortunately you have not been shortlisted.  We had over 700 applications for the 41 studentships available so a lot of well qualified candidates did not make it through to this stage.

Dates for applications

Thank you for your interest in DiMeN DTP PhD studentships.  The application deadline for October 2024 closed on 17th December 2023.


We recommend that you contact the supervisor of the project that you are interested in before you submit your application.


In preparation, the information you will need to apply is below and a more general guide to applying for PhD positions can be found HERE

You should apply for three PhD projects available across the DiMeN DTP network. To view the a list of available projects please click HERE.  

We have a variety of exciting opportunities to undertake your PhD on a project that has direct relevance to industry through our iCASE scheme (see projects below tagged iCASE). These all involve an industrial partner where you can spend time working as part of your project, gaining insight into the R&D workspace. In addition, iCASE projects come with an enhanced stipend for the student and also increased consumables budget.  


The application system is administered by The University of Sheffield, up to 40 studentships will be awarded for October 2024 entry.  Please read these guidance notes carefully to maximise your chances of success. Applications are now closed and late applications will not be considered. 

Good luck. 

What you need to apply


Our application system asks for:

  • Sections B/C: Personal and contact details

  • Section D: Course specific questions (see below)

  • Sections E/F: Nationality, Residency and English Language qualifications              

  • Sections G: University education: Please include details of UG and any PG courses, including those in progress and transcripts if possible.

  • Section F: Secondary/College Education: Details of pre-university education (A-level/GCSE certificates or equivalent are not needed at this stage but may be requested later)           

  • Section I: Relevant Employment       

  • Section J: Two academic references. You will be asked to provide contact details for your referees who will be contacted automatically for references when you apply. In this section of the application, please select ‘email my referee a link to upload my reference.’

  • Sections K/L: Equal opportunities and any additional information

  • Section M: Personal supporting documents e.g. CV (these documents will not be viewed by the shortlisting panel, but will be required if you are invited to interview)

Course specific questions

IMPORTANT: The three requested statements are the only part of your application the shortlisting panel will see. Please make sure all the information you want the panel to take into consideration is included and you stay within the word limit, statements over 200 words each will be rejected.


1: Please write a 200 word statement outlining your academic and employment achievements. 


Highlight any prizes, scholarships or awards, including excellent module results, project outcomes and final/predicted degree grade(s). DO include the subject of your previous degrees, but please DO NOT state the name of the awarding institution within your statement, we are operating a shortlisting process with location of degree information removed as part of our EDI strategy to increase diversity in STEM.  


2: Please write a 200 word statement explaining why you are interested in doing a PhD within the DiMeN DTP. 


You should include details of why you want to study for a research degree, your suitability to the research areas/topics selected and what you would gain from being part of the DiMeN cohort.  Our panel is looking to see that you have understood what PhD study involves, have a proactive approach, are passionate about the research area and motivated to succeed.


3: Describe a situation where you have gathered evidence, how you used this to devise a conclusion and inform actions (200 words maximum). 


This is a competency based question, your answer could include a situation from research experience, employment, voluntary work, committees or previous education. The panel is looking for an example that demonstrates your skills and potential.

Additional notes

Section G: Please ensure you provide details of all University education here, including qualifications that are ongoing.  If not yet awarded, it is important to state your predicted grade in the statements.

Section I: It is not necessary for you to complete this section, all relevant employment experience should be noted in your section D statements  

Section J: References will only be viewed after the shortlisting process and made available to supervisors. Please make sure named references are aware that they will be contacted to support your application.

Section M: Please upload an up to date CV, this will only be viewed after the shortlisting process to help prepare the panel for interview. Anything you wish the panel to take into account when shortlisting must be stated in statements.

What happens next

Selection is a two stage process, after the closing date (17th December 2023) academic staff from our partner institutions will review your application statements and shortlist candidates for interview. 

In stage two, successfully shortlisted candidates will be invited to interview (Feb/March 2024, online). You are expected to arrange a virtual meeting with the supervisors of all projects listed on your application before the interview takes place, supervisors will then provide the panel with feedback regarding your suitability to their project. Please note, project supervisors will not be on the central panel for this interview, they will however have access to your full application including references, transcripts and CVs.  This supervisor meeting is important for you to decide the order of preference for the projects you have selected and a good opportunity to gain an understanding of how the research group operates, what support is available, the techniques you will learn etc.

If successful at the interview stage, you will be recommended for a PhD position.  Those who rank highest after the interviews will be offered their first choice of project, during previous rounds a number of students have been offered their second or third choices, which maximises the chances of gaining a PhD position within the DTP.

Course ques
What you need to apply
What happens next


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